Returns and Exchanges

Returns and Exchanges

We gladly accept returns and exchanges on most precious metals products within 5 business days of original delivery, provided they remain unopened and in original mint condition. Please contact us first before shipping anything back.

If you need to cancel a recently placed order, please contact us immediately, and in most cases we can stop the fulfillment process before shipment. However, canceled custom orders, engraved items, or orders that have already entered shipping cannot be stopped. Please call as soon as possible about any cancellations so we can advise.

Absolutely, we are happy to exchange your purchase for another product within 5 business days of the original shipment delivery, provided the item is in unopened, original new condition upon return. There may be exceptions for custom goods. Please contact us first regarding any proposed exchange before shipping items back to us.

If your order has not yet shipped out from our warehouse, we may be able to modify certain order details like shipping address or product selections. However, take note that pricing is subject to change if the market value has increased. Please call us as soon as possible with any requested order changes before processing and we’ll advise if alterations are still possible.

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